Painting car with his hands

Auto after 4-5 heavy exploitation often cease their views to please the owner, the paint has faded, cracked and in places of employment tests. Most car owners give the car in the hands of professional painters, and some prefer to update the color of the car itself, for reasons of economy, or simply the desire to try himself. Benefit that modern materials and tools make this task feasible to almost everyone who has a hand. First of all, the vast majority of the time painting a car is not the actual application of paints on the body, and the preparation for it. Therefore it is necessary to take care that you had all the necessary materials, tools and other necessary stuff. Lack of any thing at the wrong moment can ruin the whole painting. Therefore, carefully calculate your desired amount of paint, fillers, solvents, sand paper, and boldly throw another 10-15 percent. In any case, they would not be superfluous, and the sudden end of the paint or the like when the work will save almost done. Operational supply as a necessary tool. To prepare the car for painting, you'll need masking tape, heavy paper or polyethylene, sandpaper varying degrees of granularity (or better grinder - it will accelerate and facilitate the preparation), metal and rubber spatulas, thinner, putty. For the very process of painting itself, compressor and spray gun. And do not forget the protective glasses, dust mask and gloves. If you do not stain the entire body, but only parts of it, then carefully close the rest of the body to protect against a colorful dust. Close the paper or cellophane and glass headlights, rubber and non-colored (eg nickel), the details and secure masking tape. If this is not their enclosure, apply a special paste that will protect them from paint. Remove with sander or sanding old paint to bare metal. Inspect the body. If there are any irregularities or damage, they need to putty. To do this, apply a layer of putty damaged areas, slightly exceeding the depth of the dent and Smooth with a rubber spatula. Work with the need fast enough to plaster had no time to thicken. Give it a freeze, then finish treated area so that it matched the rest of the surface. Then thoroughly clean and degrease the place for painting. Prepare and adjust the spray paint. To do this, try to put the paint on some odds and ends or surface. Then start painting. Since the paint is necessary in two layers, do not try to put a big layer of paint that may leak. Paint, start with the car roof and gradually work down. Move the jet spray up and down the painting process. Give to congeal paint a few hours and apply a second coat. If the uncured surface of something falls, remove with tweezers, in any case, do not touch yourself! Give full otverdet paint-in a closed garage it will take 2-3 days.

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