Bad machine is put in the cold

The problem: the machine is put in a bad frost Possible reasons: 1. Bad battery 2. Old glow plugs 3. Problems benzoprovoda you came one morning to the parking lot or garage in winter. Trying to start the car, but an attempt fails. Usually take the battery. Get out of this situation, you can: 1. Podkurit another car 2. Start the vehicle with the pusher (only for manual transmission) to start the car by "lighting a" special need to connect wires negative terminal of your battery with the negative terminal of another car, then do the same for terminals "+". Another desirable to have a car and give increased speed, about 1500 - 2000 rpm. Wait 2-3 minutes to recharge your battery. After that, try to start the car, it does not turn off your car "donor". Wires should always take along on such cases. If the first attempt fails, wait a minute before the next attempt. Do not twist the starter for too long, maybe, can burn out the windings of the starter, and he goes down. Addressing the causes of a poor start in the cold: The main reason for a poor start to the engine in cold weather is a worn battery. Usually this is confirmed by the fact that the starter turn the engine stops after 2 - 3 attempts. Good battery life is usually enough to attempt 5 - 10, and even more. The solution is simple, change the battery. Bad Candles check on the performance is usually impossible, so they only can be exchanged for a new one. Better to buy quality candles import manufacturer. For example, a good candle company NGK, Denso, etc.. Very often the problem of cold start solved by replacing the spark plugs. The result will not wait long. Benzoprovoda solve the problem much more complicated than described above. There may be a fuel filter, petrol pump, injectors on the fuel-injected engine. If you have a fuel injected engine, it is better to rinse nozzles, if you have not cleaned them. Better to do it in specialized shops.

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