2011 Toyota Sienna LE SE and Limited

All too often, advertising is better than the product. The advertising is great. I love the whole "Swagger Wagon", "Mommy Like" and "Daddy Like" thing. The product is better. You see, to me, minivan haters have it wrong. At least from a standpoint of timing. 15 years ago, minivans were dreadful. The original Chrysler, Dodge and Plymouth vans were expanding...and not gracefully. GM and Ford didnt have a clue and the Japanese were trying to be unique...and succeeding all too well. That would have been the time to rebel against them. But now? There are some very, very good minivans out there. And the new Sienna is at the top of the list. I had three different trim levels of Sienna over the summer. There are five. But the Swagger Wagons on loan to TireKicker were the one-step-up-from-base LE, the next-step SE and the top-of-the-line Limited. The Limited? Well, lets just say that exposure to it caused one die-hard minivan-hater I know to go into a spasm of ...